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Keeping Your AEDs In Essential Locations

Keeping Your Aeds In Essential Locations

Are you looking to learn more about AEDs and why they should be kept in essential locations? Gumbo Medical, LLC, a Las Vegas, NV-based supplier of top-quality used medical equipment, including AEDs, would like to help.

AEDs Save Lives

Given that hundreds of thousands of cardiac arrests occur every year in the United States alone, it’s no wonder that many states have either proposed or adopted legislation requiring AED placement in public spaces. Having a portable defibrillator device available can help save a life that would otherwise be lost while waiting for first responders to arrive at the scene.

According to the American Heart Association, 9 out of 10 cardiac arrest victims who are shocked by an AED within the first minute following the attack survive. That’s a pretty compelling reason to keep portable defibrillators on hand.

Does My Facility Or Business Need AEDs?

Click here to learn about state laws regarding defibrillators. Regardless of whether your state or municipality legally requires your type of business or other public space to do so, it’s always a good idea to have AEDs on site. Some types of companies and other public gathering spaces that should keep AEDs on site are listed below.

  • Gyms & health clubs
  • Swimming pools
  • Other athletic settings
  • Stadiums
  • Theme parks
  • Big box stores
  • Shopping malls
  • Supermarkets
  • Schools
  • Medical & dental offices
  • Transportation centers
  • Large offices
  • Apartment buildings

Best Places To Store AEDs

You should never keep AEDs in hard-to-reach wooden or steel storage cabinets behind lock and key. Time is always of the essence in a cardiac emergency, and you don’t want to lose precious seconds or minutes trying to locate the device. Since every setting is different, the exact location will depend on local variables.

Here are several crucial things to keep in mind when deciding where to place your portable defibrillators:

  • Choose clearly marked, well-illuminated locations.
  • Use easy-to-read signage with clear lines of sight.
  • If possible, place near a phone with 911 access.
  • Store a maximum of 48 inches above the floor to be wheelchair-accessible.
  • Devices should be easy to remove with one hand.
  • Keep an AED on every floor of multi-level structures.
  • Pick central locations with the highest risk.
  • Locate your AEDs in the most concentrated population areas.
  • Devices should be accessible from anywhere within three minutes, but less time is better.
  • Place near outdoor worksites where lightning could strike, and keep one near any location where electric-powered equipment is used.

Top Brand Used AEDs For Sale

We can ship anywhere in the U.S. and also to many international locations. Below is a list of some of the used AED models, trainer devices, and defibrillators that we carry.

Ready To Order Your AEDS?

Sudden cardiac arrest can occur anywhere at any time, but AEDs have been proven to save lives. Protect your visitors and your staff. Contact Gumbo Medical, LLC, a Las Vegas refurbisher and reseller of quality used medical equipment, to order your fully refurbished AEDs or used defibrillators today.

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